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How this Store Works


How the Teraz Store Works:
When you purchase a digital media file, you do not directly download the media file.
You download a web page which has all the links and sometimes more.
Our web pages have the standard suffix .html or .htm and are just a few kilobytes in size
Download the web page to your computer then open the web page in your Browser and you will see all the links and download info.

CLICK HERE to see an example of what you will receive
If you download and keep the tiny HTML file (and you are a Teraz Zone Member) you can use it to upgrade
to newer versions of the film that may be released in the future -including new formats (eg: WMV to MP4)
You can see the full range of Additions and Upgrades HERE

When you download digital media files via our web pages you get the full Teraz Films Experience.
We can also includes some extras, such as picture galleries, mp3s, and other related stuff
We can also add another benefit for
Teraz Zone Members.
If we make an upgrade to any films in the future (eg: add subtitles, include some extra SFX, etc),
then you can get those upgrades for FREE!
You would click on the upgrade link (See Here),
answer an easy question and proceed to the new upgrades

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